What is LIME3? Visualizing Complex Environmental Impacts Globally. Introducing its features

Life Cycle Assessment


Nowadays, it is very important to think about the global environment. For example, do you know what impact the things produced in factories and the energy they use have on the environment and how it can be improved? In order to achieve an environmentally friendly future, it is necessary to study these impacts in detail. Using a method called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), this can be analyzed scientifically.

Here, we will explain in more detail the “LIME” system developed in Japan and its evolutionary version, LIME3. By using this method, you can learn how to understand and come closer to solving major problems such as global warming and biodiversity loss.

What is LIME?

LIME is a method used to study the environmental impact of products made in Japan. For example, it evaluates in numbers how much energy and resources are used to make things and what kind of damage they cause to the environment.

The unique feature of this method is that the environmental impact can be converted into a tangible form such as “money. For example, showing the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on health or biodiversity in monetary terms can help clarify which areas of improvement are most effective.

This is an excellent method for comparing complex and intertwined environmental issues. This method helps us scientifically set priorities and support our decision-making. We hope this article will help you understand how it works and help you make decisions for the future.

Source: “Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methodology LIME: Norihiro Itsubo,” Ministry of the Environment


What is LCA?

LIME plays an important role in LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), which is a method to examine the impact of an object on the earth from its birth to its disposal.

For example, we examine all the energy and materials used to make a plastic bottle, and the amount of waste it generates after it is thrown away. Based on this information, the role of LCA is to come up with ways to reduce damage to the environment.

With LCA, we can learn more about the causes of global warming and how it changes the environment in which living things live. This allows us to think, “Is there a more earth-friendly way to make things?” and “Is there a more earth-friendly way to make things? Behind this LCA, analysis is conducted using LIME and other methods.

History of LIME

LIME is a special LCA methodology developed in Japan. There have been several versions of LIME and it has been continuously improved. Now there is the latest version called “LIME3”.


The first version, LIME1, was a method that reflected the Japanese environment and people’s way of thinking. For example, a mechanism was created to study the impact of 11 different themes, including global warming and air pollution. Using this mechanism, a detailed analysis was conducted on the impact of air pollution on the human body in particular. As a result, it was found that automobile exhaust emissions in urban areas have a significant impact on health, leading to a review of environmental policies. In addition, by clearly demonstrating the effects of reduced energy use, the project contributed to the promotion of the introduction of energy-saving technologies.


The next version, LIME2, added new themes such as indoor air pollution and noise. In addition, the accuracy of the assessment was further improved, allowing for a detailed study of what environmental problems exist in which areas.


LIME3 was released in 2018. This version has been improved for use in countries all over the world and allows for the study of environmental impacts across the globe.

A unique feature of LIME3 is that impacts are expressed in easy-to-understand numbers, such as money. For example, the impact of CO2 emissions on health and biodiversity is calculated as a monetary amount. Specifically, it calculates the value of health care costs and lost ecosystem services based on CO2 emissions. This makes it easier to compare different environmental problems and clarify which issues should be prioritized for resolution.

Examples of using LIME3

LIME3 is being used in a variety of fields. Here are some of the most notable examples.

Studying the impact of cement plants

Cement is an important material used in building construction. A study of what impact cement factories around the world are having on the planet found that air pollution and resource use varies greatly from country to country.

For example, we know that on average, 900 kg of carbon dioxide is emitted to produce one ton of cement. These emissions are even higher in plants that use more fossil fuels, such as coal. In the Philippines, coal is used as the main source of energy, and as a result, high carbon dioxide emissions from factories are considered a problem. In Japan, on the other hand, advanced technologies for reusing waste as fuel have succeeded in significantly reducing emissions. Some cases have been reported where such efforts have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by several million tons per year.

For example, in the Philippines, the heavy use of coal and the resulting burden on the environment is evident. On the other hand, Japan was recognized for reducing its impact by reusing waste.

Hand Soap Usage and Its Impact on the Earth

Some studies have examined what impact hand soap has on the earth. In particular, they found that in countries where handwashing is not customary, increasing handwashing has a significant positive impact on health. For example, one study found that promoting handwashing resulted in an approximately 40% reduction in mortality from diarrhea in developing countries. Thus, widespread handwashing has the potential to significantly reduce infectious diseases and improve the overall health of society.

For example, promoting handwashing in developing countries can reduce infectious diseases and improve the health of society as a whole. It is important to consider the environmental impact of such products.

Comparing the Impact of Printed Materials

A study comparing printed materials made from paper produced in Japan and Indonesia found that differences in manufacturing locations and materials make a significant difference in environmental impact.

For example, printed materials made in Japan use more water, but the higher use of recycled paper reduces the overall impact. In Indonesia, on the other hand, the use of forest resources places a heavy burden on the environment.

The good thing about LIME3

Using LIME3 provides the following benefits

Knowing the global impact as a whole

LIME3 uses country-specific data to assess environmental issues across the globe. For example, India is experiencing rapid urbanization while water resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. This problem is also affecting agriculture and industrial production. On the other hand, in the Nordic countries, sustainable management of forest resources is a priority issue, and efforts are underway to maximize the absorption capacity of carbon dioxide. In this way, LIME3 plays a role in identifying the specific problems of each region and offering solutions that are appropriate for each.

Environmental Impacts Can Be Compared in Money

By translating environmental damage into money, different problems can be easily compared. For example, if increased health care costs due to air pollution are estimated to be equivalent to $50 per ton of CO2 emissions, and depletion of water resources causes a loss of $10 per cubic meter in impact on local agricultural production, you can see exactly which of these issues should be addressed first.

Addressing Special Problems in Different Regions

LIME3 is a tool for identifying environmental problems that vary from region to region and coming up with tailored solutions. For example, in Japan, air pollution in urban areas is an issue that requires policies to reduce vehicle emissions. On the other hand, in India, the depletion of water resources is a serious problem, and efficient use of water for agriculture is required. In this way, LIME3 can specifically assess the environmental issues in each region and indicate the best solution for each.

Can be used in any field

LIME3 can be used to study environmental impacts in a wide range of fields, from products made in factories to everyday items used in daily life. For example, the impact of manufacturing processes and disposal can be evaluated in detail not only for industrial products such as automobiles and construction materials, but also for products closely related to daily life, such as food and clothing. We can also analyze energy consumption and waste emissions in the service sector.

Helping You Make Decisions for the Future

LIME supports environmentally conscious product design and policy decisions. For example, a municipality used LIME3 to review plans for a new waste treatment facility. As a result, the municipality adopted a policy that increased the waste recycling rate by 30%, significantly reducing the environmental impact of the entire community. In another case, LIME3 was applied to a renovation project for an energy inefficient building, resulting in a 20% reduction in energy consumption. In this way, LIME3 has become a powerful tool to support the creation of a sustainable society in diverse fields.

Comparison with other methods (overseas)

Although LIME3 was developed in Japan, there are a variety of environmental impact assessment methods in other countries. The following is a comparison of the differences and characteristics of some of the most common overseas methods.


ReCiPe is a method developed mainly in the Netherlands and is one of the most commonly used methods in LCA. This method is similar to LIME3 in that it can assess environmental impacts down to the endpoints. However, ReCiPe is often based on global averages rather than regional characteristics, which limits its ability to address specific regional issues. On the other hand, the broad range of available data makes it a feature that is more likely to be used in global projects.

Environmental Priority Strategies (EPS)

Developed in Sweden, EPS is similar to LIME3 in that it translates environmental impacts into money. However, EPS is designed primarily for use in Sweden and European countries, and does not reflect data for the entire G20 countries as LIME3 does. The EPS also differs in that it focuses on the impact on human economic activities rather than on ecosystems.


TRACI (Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and other Environmental Impacts), developed in the United States, is a method specifically for environmental impact assessment in the United States. This method has strengths in assessing energy use and air pollution, but it is difficult to assess impacts on biodiversity in as much detail as LIME3.

Summary of Comparison

The following table summarizes the main differences between LIME3 and other methods.

MethodologyMain characteristicsRegional characteristicsMonetary ConversionEndpoint Evaluation
LIME3From Japan, can be evaluated globallyHighYesDDetailed
ReCiPeEvaluation based on global averageMediumYesDetailed
EPS欧Europe-centric, economic activity orientedLowYesModerate
TRACIU.S. domestic-focusedLowNoneMedium

Method NameMain CharacteristicsRegionalityWith/without monetary conversionEndpoint EvaluationLIME3From Japan, can be evaluated globallyHigh YesDetailsReCiPeEvaluation based on global averageModerate YesDetailsEPSEurope-centric, economic activity-orientedLow YesModerate TRACIUSA domestic-specificLowNoModerate

LIME3 is particularly outstanding in its ability to provide detailed assessments for each region, and its use is spreading to projects not only in Japan but also internationally. This enables decision-making for solving environmental problems based on regional characteristics that cannot be obtained with other methods.


1.LIME3 Results Report,” 2019, LCA Japan Forum

2.Development of Global Scale LCIA Method”, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

3.“LIME3 – Global Scale Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology”, Maruzen Publishing, 2018
