The $44 Trillion Value of Nature: Biodiversity and the Future of the Economy

Natural Capital-Biodiversity

What is the value of nature?

Did you know that more than 50% of the world’s economy depends on nature? For example, agriculture depends on healthy soil and water to grow crops, and the construction industry depends on natural resources such as timber and gravel. This amount is equivalent to more than half of the world’s economy. However, nature is being lost at an alarming rate due to human activities. To solve this problem, we need to start acting immediately

The Amazing Power of Nature

Nature has many roles to play. For example, forests absorb more than 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, clean the air, and stabilize the climate. Wetlands prevent flooding and are estimated to reduce damage by about $62.5 billion annually. In addition, coral reefs are an important ecosystem, home to about 25% of marine life, and the tourism industry alone generates $36 billion worth of value annually. These are essential to our prosperous way of life.

The Connection Between Economy and Nature

Construction, agriculture, and food-producing industries are heavily dependent on nature. Together, these industries generate $8 trillion in value. These industries would not be possible without what nature provides: soil, water, pollination, and climate.

Even industries that may not seem directly dependent on nature depend on natural resources through their supply chains, such as raw materials and transportation. For example, the retail and chemical industries would be in trouble without nature.

Reasons for and Impacts of Biodiversity Loss

Crisis for Nature

Our daily lives and economic activities are deeply involved in the background of biodiversity loss. In particular, the following five causes have a major impac

1.Changes in the way we use the land and oceans.
Deforestation and urban sprawl leave no room for living creatures.
2.Climate change
Rising temperatures change ecosystems and affect plants and animals.
3.Over-consumption of resources
Taking too much fish and timber destroys nature.
Chemicals and plastics pollute the environment.
5.Invasion of non-native species
Creatures from outside threaten native species.

For example, the decrease of tropical rainforests makes the earth’s climate unstable and many plants and animals are threatened with extinction.

Impact on Our Lives

When nature is lost, our lives and economies are also greatly affected. For example, many of the plants needed to make coffee are threatened with extinction due to climate change and disease. If this were to proceed, the coffee industry would be severely impacted.

In addition, the loss of coral reefs will also mean that tourism and fishing will no longer be possible, and many people’s incomes will be reduced.

What you can do to protect nature

Corporate Initiatives

Companies should do the following to protect biodiversit

・Show leadership
 Management will take the lead in efforts to protect nature.
・Manage risks
 We will carefully understand the risks associated with nature and come up with                            countermeasures.
・Set goals
 We will set specific goals to protect nature.

New Economic Model

In order to grow the economy while protecting nature, new mechanisms are needed. For example, this could include increasing plant-based foods or adopting a circular economy that does not waste resources. As a successful example, in Denmark, the technology to utilize waste as an energy source has spread and greatly improved the energy efficiency of the entire country. In the Netherlands, the introduction of urban agriculture has promoted local production for local consumption of food, successfully reducing transportation costs and environmental impact.

Efficient methods of farming and fishing through the use of technology are also attracting attention.

Role of Society as a Whole

Responsibility of Governments and Financial Institutions

Governments and financial institutions need to create rules and increase their investments to protect nature. For example, it is important to consider tax structures to support environmentally friendly technologies and businesses.

Action by each of us

In order to protect nature, the actions of each of us are also important. By choosing sustainable products and recycling, we can reduce the burden on nature.

Participating in local environmental protection activities is also effective. Starting from the familiar places is the first step to protect the entire planet.


Nature is the foundation of our lives and its value is great. However, the loss of nature could have serious consequences for our economy and our lives. That is why we need to take action now.

To protect nature, companies, governments, and each of us must work together to build a sustainable future. For example, choosing environmentally friendly products and participating in community cleanups are actions that individuals can start right away. Our choices are the key to leaving a bountiful planet for future generations.
